Early career researchers in FTD

This page aims at featuring our early careers researchers. Please feel free to browse through their pages. They all answered several questions regarding their career path and interests.

Dr. Adolfo M. García

Position: Director

Cognitive Neuroscience Center, UdeSA, Argentina

Speech, language, neurodegeneration, digital markers, cross-linguistic studies, MRI, fMRI, EEG

📧 [email protected]

Personal website: https://adolfogarcia.com.ar/
Include Network: https://include-network.com/
TELL app: https://tellapp.org/

What is your area of research as it relates to FTD?

I specialize in the study of speech and language disorders across FTD syndromes, combining automated metrics, machine learning, and multimodal neuroimaging.

What inspired you to do FTD research?

A deep interest in understanding how speech and language (dys)functions relate to the human brain, in order to develop clinical innovations.

What challenges have you faced in FTD research?

The restricted view of which domains should be studied in each syndrome and the challenges of accessing large samples.

What hopes do you have for FTD research?

To renew our views of what counts as a domain worth assessing (and even what counts as a diagnostic symptom) across the varied FTD syndromes.
