Letter from the President

Dear ISFTD member,

Herewith, I would like to let you know that I have stepped in as President of the International Society of

Frontotemporal Dementias at the executive meeting on June 18, 2021. Our previous President, Facundo

Manes, has regretfully to resign due to obligations in serving his country, Argentina. I would like to

thank Facundo for his excellent job leading the 1ST Virtual Conference of the ISFTD in March 2021.

Thanks to his efforts, we have now more than 750 ISFTD members. In June, the Executive Committee

deliberated several options to fill in the President vacancy. I, as Chair-elect, agreed to take the role of

President earlier and to serve this role till the end of 2024. The Executive Committee has voted and

agreed on this plan. Rosa Rademakers, as past-President, will listed as interim President-Elect till the

end of 2022.

The ISFTD has been responsible for the selection of ICFTD meetings since 2011. It has collaborated with

local organizers to ensure exciting scientific programs over the previous ICFTD meetings. Currently, we

are working with the Lille/Paris organizers to present an exciting scientific program for ICFTD 2022,

The FTD research field has made tremendous scientific advancements in diverse expertise areas over

the last 30 years:

  • Identification of causal genetic defects
  • Recognition of different clinical subtypes and neurocognitive profiles
  • Overlap with other neurodegenerative diseases
  • Detection of fluid and neuroimaging biomarkers
  • Development of cell and animal models with the first steps towards therapeutic interventions

Nowadays, the FTD research field comes into a crucial time with new generations of young enthusiastic

and motivated researchers. My personal ambition is to involve more junior members in our

organization, as they will certainly bring into new ideas and initiatives. Furthermore, I would like to

improve communications between the different fields of expertise within FTD. A few new initiatives are

currently underway.

  • We will present a new ISFTD website facilitating presentations webinars, and easy renewal of

your membership before the end of the year.

  • We aim to strengthen collaborations with AFTD and ISTAART PIA on FTD.

Finally, I would like to conclude by emphasizing that your feedback and ideas on ISFTD activities will be

very much appreciated.

Looking forward to meeting you personally at Paris/Lille meeting on October 4-6, 2021.

Best wishes,

John C. van Swieten

President, ISFTD